
アルディレス元監督がフォークランド諸島で交通事故 頭を20針縫う怪我の模様



 清水などで監督務めたアルディレス氏、因縁のフォークランドで自動車事故(SOCCER KING)

Ossie Ardiles involved in car accident in Falkland Islands(BBC Sport)

Ex-Tottenham midfielder Ossie Ardiles has had more than 20 stitches in his head after being involved in a car accident in the Falkland Islands.

"My understanding is he is fine," said his eldest son, Pablo, speaking from his home in England.

"He has 20 odd stitches in his head and my understanding is he has been hospitalised overnight. But he's fine."

"I don't know the exact details, but I understand my dad was driving and that he lost control somehow. I've heard reports he swerved to avoid a sheep but I can't confirm that.

"The main thing is he is fine, they are all OK."

